Monday, September 17, 2012

My Mission for Hotness U

My Mission
There are a lot of unhappy, Christian marriages out there, and I know how difficult this topic is for Christian women, but it is needed: we need to be hot, we need to sexual in our marriages, if single, we need to approach men the correct way! Mostly, we need to be able to talk about it! There is nothing more helpful than knowing you are not alone in your thoughts on these topics and concepts. That is the environment I want to help create; I am only one woman, and it will take a web-sized group effort, but it is possible.

My husband said it so well: Premarital sex is like a Jeep--everyone wants to look at it, everyone notices or wants it. Men can find jillion of websites related to upgrading their Jeep to make it even better. Christian marriage sex is like a Dodge Durango. It's also an SUV, but nobody notices it, and there is certainly not any websites upgrading your Durango. Every now and then a magazine will review it and talk will go around, but generally, nobody cares.

We want Christian marriages to be as hot and sexy as a Jeep! Premarital Sex needs not have the limelight any more.

SO, to start at the beginning, the mission is to define what is hot, what is not hot for women to be--inside and out. Let's understand ourselves, and work to understand our men. Then we can get somewhere.

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