Thursday, December 6, 2012

Getting going

So do you want to? The temptation so often is to let something rest as a good idea, and not to implement it. If you just try one thing each week for the next few weeks, see what you can do to see yourself differently.
1. Evaluate your physical state
How are you feeling about your body? Does it need a little exercise, a lot, or are you an obsessed exerciser? Do you like your physical features? Why or why not?
You probably know that endorphins released in exercise can lift your mood, including your sexual appetite. But if you are not mentally there, you might want to start charting out some goals and put thought and prayer (maybe a girl friend's input, too) on what you can do to start heading in a direction of health in this regard. Your physical closeness with your husband will be greatly enhanced by this focus.
2. Food for thought
Make a list of your most healthy and unhealthy eating habits/food groups. Think through this list and what it implies about your physical health. What does food mean to you and why? Then enlist a person to pray and hold you accountable to working one item to remove or add to your diet. See what God reveals to you about your food patterns and intake.
3. Evaluate your relationships
This is purely platonic speaking. Are you overextended in your friendships? Do you spend too much time on your social media image that you forget the people directly around you? Do you need to spend some time with certain people that are good for you, and not certain others? Make a visual of your circles of friendships (closest to distant) and see what pops out at you about your relationships.
4. Your relationship with God
This is where I want to tread lightly. You alone are the best judge of your view of God, and the relationship you have with him. Do you want more or less of Him in your life? Why? Can you map our the last few months of where God has worked in and through your life and where you know you've perhaps made yourself more distant? Take a peek at the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5 as you ponder some of the other questions.

This may feel like a lot to begin with, but like i said, map it out for yourself to focus on just one area a week for the next month. You can simply evaluate first, and then work on little ways to begin to view yourself as a Song of Songs girl. This is the goal, remember? You can be the beautiful, strong and confident woman of God that loves and nurtures her relationships, giving God the glory and your husband the best of you.