Monday, November 5, 2012

Using the 'towers'

So what does it take to walk around with those ‘towers,’ doing their thing?

You may be able to think of several other examples of women that fit in to our schema of strong, attractive women that have the ability to hold a man’s attention and still have the persona and character to be admired by other women. But perhaps you don’t believe you fit that category as a whole.  I don’t know what your story is, and where you’ve had to struggle, but let me paint a picture for you.

You have breasts. You were created with them. When you walk in to a room, you carry with you a power in those breasts to persuade a man to do just about anything you want. Depending on what you wear and how you sell it, your sexuality is a powerful advantage. You know there are girls out there who use it for destruction; they simply use sex, or the idea of it, to gain something selfish. But don’t focus on that right now.  Couple your outward physicality with an inward heart that longs to do the right thing. You are Esther, and you know the happiness of many depend on how you approach the single men in that room. As her adopted father Mordecai tells Esther, perhaps you also were created for such a time as this. Perhaps there is a man in that room whom you are to intoxicate with your physical attractiveness, strengthen with your faith in him, empower by your thoughts and ideas, and embolden with your courage. Behind every great man is a great woman, goes the saying. The Bible is full of them.  You can be the total package, you can start today to be all you were meant to be. You were meant to be hot, inside and out.

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